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With the West in Good Times and in Bad? Geopolitical Orientations of Croatian Citizens Under Scrutiny
Published: 17.07.2023.

The Globus magazine reported in its printed edition of 12 July 2023 about results of a research on geopolitical orientations of Croatian citizens in an article titled “With the West in Good Times and in Bad?“ The research was conducted within the ISRZ project “IDEU - Integration and disintegration of the European Union: Dynamics of Europeanism and Euroscepticism“ by Filip Fila, Nikola Petrović, PhD and Josip Bilić, and the results were presented in the paper “Kulturno-civilizacijske i geopolitičke orijentacije hrvatskih stranaka i građana“, published in the journal Političke analize: tromjesečnik za hrvatsku i međunarodnu politiku, Vol. 11 No. 41.
The results of the research suggested the mostly pro-Western geopolitical orientation of Croatian citizens, regardless of their political preferences. However, this can still not be considered as unanimous support to the West. Almost a fourth of respondents had an extremely or to a certain degree negative opinion on NATO, while a little more than 15% shared the same view towards the EU. It is important to point out that the research was conducted in October 2021, before the Ukraine invasion.