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Thematic block on supranational identity-building in socialist Yugoslavia and the EU is published in the journal “Politička misao“
Published: 04.10.2022.

Nikola Petrović, PhD and Stevo Đurašković, PhD (Faculty of Political Science) are the editors of the thematic block of the journal “Politička misao“ 59 (2). The thematic block encompasses papers that compare supranational identity-building in socialist Yugoslavia and the EU.
Besides the papers by authors from other institutions, this issue also contains papers written by the Institute's researchers Ana Maskalan, PhD “Place of Women’s Rights in Supranation-Building: Comparison of Socialist Yugoslavia and the European Union“ and Nikola Petrović, PhD, Filip Fila and Marko Mrakovčić, PhD (University of Rijeka) “Yugoslavs and Europeans Compared: Supranational Polities and Supranational Identification“.
The thematic block that problematizes this topic is financially supported by the Croatian Science Foundation project “Integration and disintegration of the European Union: Dynamics of Europeanism and Euroscepticism“.