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The book “Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Challenges“ published
Published: 23.02.2024.

The book “Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Challenges - Volume 1: Experimentation Perspectives“ is published as part of the Erasmus+ project “Hand in Hand: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity related career challenges“.
The integral part of the publication is a chapter by Jelena Matić Bojić, PhD, Ivana Pikić Jugović, PhD and Saša Puzić, PhD, which is titled “Why Didn’t Anyone Tell us this Before?!” Integrating Social, Emotional and Diversity Awareness Competencies into Teacher Professional Development.
The authors are focused on teachers’ social and emotional, and diversity awareness competencies, and the possibilities for improving them through teacher professional development.
The editor of the publication is Ana Kozina, and the book was published by Waxmann.
The book is available in open access at the following link.