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Teacher dispositional affectivity, emotional labor, and self-efficacy: a longitudinal analysis
Published: 30.09.2022.

Irena Burić, PhD and Mirta Mornar are the authors of the scientific paper titled “Teacher dispositional affectivity, emotional labor, and self-efficacy: a longitudinal analysis“. The paper is published in “Current psychology“.
The paper brings results of a longitudinal study conducted in three waves on a sample of more than 3,000 teachers. The authors examined the reciprocal relationship between teachers’ emotional labor strategies and their self-efficacy (TSE). In other words, they explored the relationship between the ways teachers cope with professional emotional burden (strategies) and teachers' beliefs on their professional capability (self-efficacy). Among the emotional labor strategies the surface strategies of hiding and faking emotions were observed, and the deep strategy which includes attempts to change their emotional state to conform to the emotion that they are displaying. Additionally, due to a scarcity of the empirical research on teachers’ stable individual differences that can explain teachers’ emotion regulation and motivation, the role of teachers’ dispositional affectivity (positive and negative affectivity) in predicting individual differences in teachers’ use of emotional labor strategies and TSE was examined. The results showed that teachers inclining more towards positive dispositional affectivity more often employed the deep strategy, while teachers inclining towards negative affectivity displayed more often the surface strategies. Notably, the results of the study showed that TSE and hiding emotions are reciprocally related even after controlling for dispositional affectivity.