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Results of the Fourth national research into employability of graduated students
Published: 27.12.2023.

The publication „Diplomirati tijekom pandemije: Rezultati četvrtog nacionalnog istraživanja zapošljivosti diplomiranih studenata“ contains results of the Fourth national research into employability of graduated students. These results were collected and interpreted by the ISRZ research team upon request of the Agency for Science and Higher Education. In addition, the publication provides assessments of key indicators of outcomes at the levels of scientific fields and higher education institutions.
The research was carried out in 2021. It encompasses the generation that graduated during 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, which in its first year significantly affected the educational system and the labour market in general. A total of 4,858 of graduated students participated in the research, or 14.6% of persons who graduated in Croatia in 2020.
The authors of the publication are Teo Matković, PhD, Katarina Jaklin, Andrea Grus and Dunja Potočnik, PhD.