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Nikola Petrović, PhD and Filip Fila participated in the scientific colloquium “Power of Memory Politics: History in Public Space 2022“ organized by Kliofest
Published: 09.12.2022.

Nikola Petrović, PhD and Filip Fila participated in the round table discussion “Power of Memory Politics: History as the Factor of Shaping Nations“, held within the scientific colloquium “Power of Memory Politics: History in Public Space 2022“ organized by Kliofest.
They presented the paper titled “Centrist and Radical Right Populists in Central and Eastern Europe: Divergent Visions of History and the EU“ written in co-authorship with Višeslav Raos from the Faculty of Political Science of the University in Zagreb. The paper is available at the following link.
In addition, they contributed to the discussion with their views on the questions of methodological nationalism in research.
The programme of the colloquium is available at the following link.