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HESC project team participated in the ENHR conference in Barcelona
Published: 05.09.2022.

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD, Ratko Đokić, PhD and Sonja Podgorelec, PhD, participated within the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project HESC in the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Annual Conference entitled The struggle for the right to housing. The pressures of globalisation and affordability in cities today and held between 31 August and 2 September 2022. They delivered their joint presentation titled “Differences between old and new large housing estates in Croatia: Objective and subjective level“.
Also, our doctoral student Anamaria Klasić participated in the conference within the part dedicated to junior researchers - The New Housing Researchers Colloquium (NHRC), held on 30 August 2022. She held the presentation titled “A post-socialist view on social mix in Zagreb's large housing estates – Quantitative insights“.
The paper that doctoral student Anamaria Klasić wrote also won the first prize for the best paper in a competition for the Bengt Turner Award. The aim of the Bengt Turner Award is to encourage new researchers to write research papers on housing and urban issues linked to the topics of the ENHR Working Groups.
Anamaria's supervisor and mentor, and the entire project team are immensely proud of her and the project, within which the results obtained in a questionnaire survey with tenants of Croatian housing estates contributed to successful scientific and dissemination achievements of junior and senior researchers.