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Cultural-civilisational and geopolitical orientations of Croatian parties and citizens
Published: 17.06.2022.

Nikola Petrović, Filip Fila and Josip Bilić are the authors of the paper Kulturno-civilizacijske i geopolitičke orijentacije hrvatskih stranaka i građana [Cultural-civilisational and geopolitical orientations of Croatian parties and citizens], published in the journal “Političke analize: tromjesečnik za hrvatsku i međunarodnu politiku“, Vol. 11 No. 41.
The paper analyses geopolitical orientations of parties and voters, based on political programmes of five most relevant parties (HDZ, SDP, Možemo!, Most and Domovinski pokret) and a questionnaire survey conducted in October and November 2021 on a nationally representative sample (N=1 200). The analysed parties, as well as the majority of citizens do not question Croatia's adherence to the West. However, differences among the parties exist primarily in the attitudes regarding what EU should look like. Voters of some parties recognize this, therefore it can be argued that the voters of Most and Domovinski pokret are more inclined towards Vikor Orbán's vision of the Europe of nations. On the other hand, the voters of Možemo! are oriented towards the countries of EU's core and liberal leaders, such as Macron.
The paper is fully available at the link.