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Collision of profession, politics, and the public: biomedical and healthcare professionals’ perspective on the crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic
Published: 06.05.2024.
Marija Brajdić Vuković is the author of the scientific paper Collision of profession, politics, and the public: biomedical and healthcare professionals’ perspective on the crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper is published in the journal ‘Politička misao’, 61 (1).
Abstract: This paper deals with the relationship between science and politics and social responsibility of science during social crises that have consequences for the survival and well-being of citizens. The analysis is based on the data analysis of nine interviews conducted with Croatian biomedical experts who were on the front lines during the coronavirus pandemic (2020-2022), whether they were involved in the adoption of pandemic measures or in mitigating the consequences. The results show that science had internal discussions during the crisis, but the complex relationship between politics and science, and science and the media comes into focus, because those difficulties have spilled over to the relationship between science and the public. The paper discusses these findings in the context of the social responsibility of science, but also underlines the importance of understanding the socio-political context and managing policies in constant dialogue with important sectors of society.
The paper is available at the link.