Other research and professional projects
Urban revitalization process of Ljubljana city center
About project
Project basics
- Principal investigators: Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, Ph.D, ISRZ; Boštjan Kerbler, Ph.D., Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije
- Project leader: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Urban/Rural and Science Research Centre
- Financed by: Ministry of Science and Education
- Duration: February 2017 – June 2018
Project description
The aim of the project is to conduct research on the chosen representatives of political, expert and civil actors by using the method of semi-structured interviews (N=30). The actors will be chosen from the various levels of the City administration, civil organizations and political parties in Zagreb and Ljubljana. The results of the research on these examples of revitalisation will be used for creating a comparative scientific and expert basis for the implementation of similar ways of revitalisation in the Zagreb city core which has no positive examples like those present in Ljubljana.