Other research and professional projects
Time for GOOD education?
About project
Project basics
- Project leader: GOOD initiative
- Financed by: Open Society Initiative for Europe
- Partners: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu; Centar za mirovne studije; Forum za slobodu odgoja; GONG; Hrvatsko debatno društvo, RODA – Roditelji u akciji; Udruga roditelja “Korak po korak”, Mreža mladih Hrvatske
- Duration: October 2016 – September 2017
Project description
Project under title Time for GOOD education? advocates for introduction of civic education into schools while working on establishment of an education as a public and common good, affirmation of right to education as a key resource of democracy oriented social change, and advocacy of pluralism and inclusion in education as a reflection of democratic endeavors. This project lies on three clusters: mobilization of critical social groups such as parents, youth, teachers, expert associations and trade unions in support of our goal, development of civic education curriculum and democratic school model, and critical monitoring and advocacy of quality based education policies. The Institute for the Social Research in Zagreb will contribute in research activities related to the development of democratic school model and civic education curriculum. The whole project period is 12 months.