Other research and professional projects
School & Community
About project
Project basics

- Acronym: S&C
- Coordinator: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
- Partners: University of Rijeka, Rijeka’s First Croatian High School, Centre for the Culture of Dialogue
- Financed by: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, University of Rijeka
- Project duration: 1 January 2022 - continuously
Project description
The School & Community project is implemented through collaboration of the University of Rijeka, Rijeka’s First Croatian High School, Centre for the Culture of Dialogue and Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. School & Community (S&C) is a non-compulsory civic education subject intended for upper secondary education, designed with the aim of changing the perspective of civic education and fostering education by bringing school closer to the community and the community closer to school. The subject represents an innovative and unique educational experience, complementing the cross-curricular topic of civic education and the outcomes in the curricula of school subjects in the socio-humanistic domain of teaching and learning. S&C is based on the premise that in order to achieve personal and social well-being in students, it is necessary to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding the importance of community involvement and active participation of individuals. Within the subject, students choose, research, gain experience, and propose solutions to phenomena and problems in the community that they identified on their own, and which are related to various thematic areas.
A proposal for the curriculum of civic education in upper secondary schools has been developed as a part of the S&C project. The activities carried out within the project include: educating of upper secondary school teachers for the implementation of the subject, introducing and monitoring of the implementation of S&C in upper secondary schools, providing of continuous mentoring support to teachers implementing the subject, and improvement of the existing proposal of the S&C curriculum with new insights and materials.
Document “School and Community. Proposal for the Curriculum of Civic Education in Upper Secondary Schools” (in Croatian)
