Other research and professional projects
Development of the sectorial sociological study for the Programme of comprehensive renewal of the historical centre of Zagreb
About project
Project basics
- Coordinator: The Council for the Coordination of Activities related to the Programme of comprehensive renewal of the historical centre of Zagreb and the Institute for Physical Planning of the City of Zagreb
- Partner: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb – Urban/Rural and Science Research Centre
- Financed by: Institute for Physical Planning of the City of Zagreb and the City of Zagreb
- Duration: 1 June 2020 – 1 March 2021
Project description
The project is implemented collaboratively, by experts of various professional backgrounds who are members of the Council at the Institute for Physical Planning of the City of Zagreb. The Principal Investigator of the sociological study is also a member of the Council’s working group. The sociological study will serve as a basis for the Programme of comprehensive renewal of the historical centre of Zagreb (Upper and Lower Town) after the March 2020 earthquake. The analysis of citizens’ and tenants’ participation in the renewal after the earthquake, and the future appearance and potential development of the city in the urbanistic, social and architectural sense will be conducted. The sociological study encompasses qualitative and quantitative monitoring and analysis of the on-site situation, in order to contribute as adequately as possible to the design of the programme of renewal and revitalization of the city of Zagreb.
Sociological study (in Croatian; .PDF, 1 MB)