Competitive research projects
Quality of life of young people in Croatia: between personal aspirations and social opportunities - YoQuLife
About project
Project basics
- Acronym: YoQuLife
- Coordinator: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
- Financed by: ISRZ Research Programme – Ministry of Science, Education and Youth via NextGenerationEU Fund, European Commission
- Duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2027
Project description
The project Quality of life of young people in Croatia: between personal aspirations and social opportunities (YoQuLife) aims to establish, describe and analyse the level, structure and dynamics of the quality of life of young people in Croatia as well as the social factors that shape it. Research on the concept of quality of life is based on the fact that it is a multidimensional concept that includes structural (social status, social relations), cultural (value orientations, aspirations) and socio-psychological dimensions (mental health). In addition to the analysis of (sub)dimensions of quality of life and identification of their levels among contemporary youth, this project also contains a comparative aspect. The dynamics of the quality of life dimensions will be analysed by applying a comparative analysis at four time points: 1999, 2004, 2013 and 2025. This will detect the dimensions of the quality of life of young people that have experienced progress, stagnation or regression in the period of a quarter of a century, as well as social factors that contributed to it. A thorough analysis of the existing research instruments used in quantitative surveys of young people conducted by ISRZ since 1999, and secondary sources of data and relevant literature will be used to create an instrument for the quantitative part of the research (online panel research on 1.200 young people aged 16-29). The relationship between different social factors such as socioeconomic, socio-political, environmental and other relevant factors at the micro, meso and macro level that can have a significant role in shaping the subjective level and structure of quality of life will be analysed. Since a mixed research methodology will be applied, in addition to quantitative research, qualitative modules of the research (20 focus groups and 20 semi-structured interviews with young people) will be conducted, which will deepen scientific knowledge about socio-psychological aspects of the quality of life of young people, such as (self) expectations, relationships versus support structures and mental health.
The project aims to gain insights into young people's quality of life in Croatia. Specific objectives are defined as follows:
- To establish and describe the level of quality of life of young people with regard to structural, cultural and socio-psychological dimensions;
- Establish and interpret social factors at the micro, meso and macro level that contribute to young people's quality of life;
- To detect changes in some dimensions of young people's quality of life at four points in time (1999, 2004, 2013 and 2025);
- Establish and analyse the connection between socio-demographic features and dimensions of quality of life;
- Communicate research activities and research results within the scientific community in Croatia and abroad;
- Disseminate research results to stakeholders in the field of youth - decision-makers and implementers, and to the general public;
- Strengthen inter-institutional and international cooperation through incoming mobility.