Competitive research projects
Urban revitalization process in Ljubljana city center (in comparison with Zagreb city center)
About project
Project basics
- Bilateral project: Urban revitalization process in Ljubljana city center (in comparison with Zagreb city center)
- Project leader (Croatia): Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Urban/Rural and Science Research Centre
- Project leader (Slovenia): Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
- Duration: January 2018 - December 2019
Project description
This bilateral project builds on research done under the same name in 2017 at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb within the framework of the Multipurpose institutional financing programme supported by the Ministry of Science and Education. The team from the Institute studied urban revitalization of Ljubljana city centre (social science studies – urban and spatial sociology) as the Slovenian capital was the recipient of the European Commission Green Capital Award for 2016. An intriguing comparison was drawn with urban revitalization in the Croatian capital in order to better identify Slovenian good practices and provide useful guidelines for Zagreb’s future urban development.
The 2017 comparative case-study analysis was conducted using the qualitative technique of semi-structured interviews and/or focus groups. The findings pointed out some benefits and drawbacks of urban revitalization in Ljubljana and Zagreb. In cooperation with colleagues from the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia who will be visiting Zagreb, a joint database will be created allowing research teams to provide a scientific basis for Zagreb city centre revitalization and improvement of the quality of living in the Croatian capital. The project will be carried out in 2018 and 2019. Further collaboration between both Institutes that have taken part in the research will be of crucial importance.