Competitive research projects
ESF project: Work Fit for People
About project
Project basics
- Main beneficiary: Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.
- Partners: Tourism and Services Trade Union of Croatia, Commercial Trade Union of Croatia, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and Croatian Employment Service.
- Financed by: The project is co-funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund.
- Project duration: 27 July 2020 – 26 July 2022.
The project aims to improve the capacities of trade unions in the area of protection of rights and improvement of working conditions of fixed-term employees. The Institute will contribute by leading the research element, in which, through secondary analyses, a questionnaire survey and qualitative methods, the knowledge on discrimination, needs and working conditions of fixed-term employees and seasonal workers will be acquired, while seeking possible ways to improve the rights of precarious workers. Principal Investigator and coordinator of this element on behalf of the Institute is Dr. Teo Matković.
The total budget of the project is 996,355.54 HRK, of which 85 per cent is financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, and 15 per cent from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. The project duration is 24 months, and it is implemented in the period between 27th July 2020 and 26th July 2022.
“Experience of fixed-term employment in Croatia” – Recording of the presentation of research results
Rezultati istraživanja o iskustvu rada na određeno u Hrvatskoj [Results of the research on the experience of fixed-term employment in Croatia] (.pdf)
Raditi na određeno: raširenost, regulacija i iskustva rada putem ugovora na određeno vrijeme u Hrvatskoj [Terms of fixed-term work: prevalence, regulation and experience of fixed-term contract work in Croatia] (.pdf)
“How to reach the work fit for people for seasonal workers” – video of presenting results of the research on seasonal work
Raditi sezonski: rezultati istraživanja iskustva sezonskoga rada [Seasonal work: report with results of the research on seasonal work] (.pdf)