Competitive research projects
ESF project: Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All (TEMCO)
About project
Project basics
- Acronym: TEMCO
- Main beneficiary: Institute for the Development of Education (IDE)
- Partners: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb; Forum for Freedom in Education, Parents’ Association Step by Step, Croatian Association on Early Childhood Intervention, Academy for Political Development, Nansen Dialogue Centre, Association for the Development of Higher Education “Universitas“, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia and Public Open University Zagreb.
- Financed by: The project is co-funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund.
- Project duration: 28 October 2020 – 27 October 2023
Project description
The project aims to contribute to solving the non-existence of coordinated and effective agency of civil society organizations (in collaboration with other stakeholders) in shaping the public policies for addressing social inequalities in lifelong education in Croatia. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) for achieving an effective dialogue with public administration and scientific community in designing and implementing public policies for ensuring a lifelong education accessible to all, thereby creating a precondition for reducing educational inequalities in Croatia.
The researchers will, together with other members of the Network, analyse the problems and identify their possible causes, i.e. the factors that affect educational inequalities. Research reports and articles will be a basis for defining possible recommendations on the level of public policies.