Competitive research projects
ESF project: METER to a better climate (Network for Education, Transition, Adaptation and Development)
About project
Project basics
- Acronym: METER
- NMain beneficiary: Society For Sustainable Development Design (DOOR)
- Partners: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb; “Eko-Zadar“; Ecological Society of Slavonski Brod-BED; Green Istria; Forum for Freedom in Education; Institute for Political Ecology; Terra Hub; Green Action; Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb and the City of Zagreb.
- Financed by: The project is co-funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund and the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Republic of Croatia.
- Project duration: 29 October 2020 – 28 October 2023.
The overall aim of the project “METER to a better climate (Network for Education, Transition, Adaptation and Development)“ is to establish a permanent thematic network of civil society organizations (CSOs), local self-government units and scientific research organizations that will, by being involved in all phases of the public policies development, contribute to the transition into a low-carbon society adapted to climate changes without energy poverty. Through permanent collaboration, new skills and capacities of CSOs for argument-based advocacy will be developed, while scientific research organizations and local self-government units will be empowered regarding the methods of informing and involving the interested public.
The representatives of the academic community and scientific research organizations will ensure the transfer of knowledge to the representatives of CSOs and will introduce them to the technical, socioeconomic and expert background of the issues that CSOs are dealing with when advocating in the domain of climate changes. Working jointly on scientific research, public opinion polling and writing professional and scientific papers, the collaboration between the academic and scientific research community and CSOs will be strengthened, whereby enabling the reinforcement of the CSOs’ capacities for argument-based advocacy. This model will be continued in the long term through the permanently established collaboration within the METER network.