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Team of the CSF project ISOLATION on field research in Gorski Kotar
Published: 28.11.2023.

As part of the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project of the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA) and the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) 'Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION' (IPS 2022-02-3741) an ethnographic field research was carried out near the Slovenian-Croatian border in Gorski Kotar from 23 to 26 November 2023.
Miha Kozorog (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Ana Perinić Lewis (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies), Lana Peternel (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb) and Boštjan Kravanja (Head of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana) were exploring distant and isolated spaces by the Kupa River and in the Risnjak National Park.
As part of the field research within the course Spatial Anthropology, Anthropology students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana joined the research, along with students participating in international exchange, coming from the University of Niamey (Niger) and the University of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania).
The student papers based on the field research in Gorski Kotar will be presented at student conferences in Zagreb and Ljubljana in May 2024.