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Results of the research on post-earthquake reconstruction in Čučerje and Markuševec

Published: 12.12.2024.

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD, Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić, PhD and Sara Ursić, PhD (External Associate) presented the most recent results of the research on post-earthquake reconstruction in the settlements of Čučerje and Markuševec at a public forum held on 5th December 2024 at the premises of the Voluntary Fire Brigade Čučerje. The discussion was attended by the following experts: a member of the City Distric Council Gornja Dubrava Mr. Zdravko Fabijanić, who is also the leader of the working group for support to those who were affected by the earthquake, President of the Local Committee Dankovec Mr. Ivica Ivanović, and President of the Local Committee Čučerje Mr. Stjepan Pintur. The residents of the settlements also participated in the discussion, as well as the members of the local committees, and organizers of the construction process, who have all been active in the process of renovation of damaged houses in these settlements even four years after the earthquake. The forum served as a platform to additionally analyse the bottom-up renovation process during the past years, and the satisfaction of the residents with the construction renovation, self-renovation or construction of replacement houses, which is relatively low, as has been concluded.

The research was carried out as part of the Programme Agreement projects of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb under the title of Effects of the Europeanization Process in Selected Urban-Rural Areas of Croatia (2024-2027), financed by the Ministry of Science and Education with the support of the European Union (NextGenerationEU).

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