Notifications list
Recommendations for the strengthening of equity and inclusiveness at all educational levels
Published: 11.10.2023.

In Croatia, children, youth and adults belonging to vulnerable groups have a difficult access to education, lower level of wellbeing during the educational process and lower educational achievements. The recent findings of the Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All (TEMCO), suggest that Croatia needs to take urgent measures for creating a more inclusive educational system. The Network is comprised of 60 experts from the scientific and academic community, and the civil sector.
The Network created recommendations at the level of the entire educational system. Currently, the analyses and recommendations for early and preschool, and primary education system are available to the public. The recommendations for secondary and higher education, as well as adult education, will be available soon.
The Recommendations can be obtained at the following link.
The Recommendations will also be presented at the forthcoming conference “Educational Inequalities in Croatia: Challenges of the Present, Solutions for the Future“. The conference is taking place on Thursday, 26 October 2023 from 9.30 AM to 2.30 PM in the HUB385 premises.
More about the conference and registration is available at the following link.