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Ratko Đokić, PhD and Anamaria Klasić participated in the international conference 26th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas
Published: 05.10.2023.

Research Assistant Anamaria Klasić and Ratko Đokić, PhD participated in the international conference “26th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas“, which was held from 28 till 30 September 2023 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. They held the presentation titled “The Role of Neighbourly Relations in the Management and Maintenance of Multifamily Houses in Croatia”. The presentation is a result of the CSF project “Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia“ (HESC, Principal Investigator: Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD).
Within the same conference, Ratko Đokić held the presentation titled “Is the Capacity of Working Memory a Causal Factor of Fluid Intelligence? Testing of the WM-GF Correlation by Structural Modelling“.