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Published results of the research on the competent institutions' attitudes on social inequalities in the Croatian educational system
Published: 10.05.2022.

The new publication 'Obrazovne nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj: izazovi i potrebe iz perspektive dionika sustava obrazovanja' [Educational Inequalities in Croatia: Challenges and Needs from the Perspective of Educational System Stakeholders] brings results of the research conducted by the Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All. The research involved representatives of ministries, state institutions, municipal authorities, educational institutions and professional associations. This is the first Croatian inquiry addressing educational inequalities in a lifelong perspective, from pre-schools and schools to higer education institutions and other adult learning institutions. The findings suggest that the system stakeholders recognize the seriousness and complexity of the problems of educational inequalities at all educational levels, and the need for bringing the measures for their mitigation or elimination.
The Network coordinator is the Institute for the Development of Education, and the members of the Network are Academy for Political Development, Forum for Freedom in Education, Croatian Association on Early Childhood Intervention, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Nansen Dialogue Centre, Public Open University Zagreb, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia, Parents’ Association Step by Step and Association for the Development of Higher Education “Universitas“.
The Publication and Summary are available at the link.
More information is available at the press release, published by the Institute for the Development of Education.