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Public presentation of the CSF project TeachWell held
Published: 28.01.2022.

The research project “The role of personality, motivation and socio-emotional competences in early-career teachers’ occupational well-being – TeachWell“, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, was presented to the interested public in the premises of The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, on 27th January 2022. The project Principal Investigator Iris Marušić, PhD pointed out that the project’s aim is to explore key determinants of the psychological well-being of early-career teachers. Along with the theoretical and methodological contribution to the development of the teacher occupation, the project results will be used for developing recommendations for providing support to early-career teachers and preventing their burnout, and consequently preventing them from leaving the profession, which is a problem increasingly present both in Croatia and Europe. The members of the project team Jelena Matić Bojić, PhD and Josip Šabić, PhD presented the results of their research on the experiences of teachers and subject teachers related to teaching during the pandemic. Their findings suggested a higher workload of teachers during the pandemic. At the same time, teachers’ work satisfaction and enthusiasm have mostly remained the same, with almost half of them reporting even higher levels of work satisfaction and ethusiasm, than before the pandemic.
The project started in February 2021, and will be conducted till February 2025. The members of the research team, besides the already mentioned, are Ivana Pikić Jugović, PhD, Mirta Mornar and Dora Petrović from the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, and Tea Pavin Ivanec, PhD from the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb and Josipa Mihić, PhD from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb.
More about the project: