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PhD student Anamaria Klasić participated in the ENHR New Researchers' Online Seminar
Published: 17.03.2022.

PhD student Anamaria Klasić participated in the New Researchers' Online Seminar organized by the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), which was held on 11th March 2022. Her presentation was titled “A post-socialist view on social mix in large housing estates - the case of Zagreb“, which is the topic she is exploring within the Croatian Science Foundation project Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia (Principal Investigator Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD). The objective of the seminar was to provide junior researchers with the opportunities to present their work, discuss it with the peers, and receive feedback and advice from experienced researchers, members of the Network.
Also, the ENHR published a new number of the Newsletter, with an article on the mentioned project and the results of the conducted online survey with representatives of co-owners in residential buildings in Zagreb and other Croatian cities. The Newsletter is available here.