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Participation of ISRZ at the 5th International Scientific Conference European Realities – Power
Published: 29.03.2022.

The 5th International Scientific Conference European Realities – Power was held in Osijek, on 25th March 2022. The conference was organized by the Croatian Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek and co-organized by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Center for Scientific Work in Vinkovci, Croatia) and the Doctoral School of J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek.
Adrijana Šuljok, PhD together with Željko Pavić, PhD and Marina Đukić, PhD held a presentation titled “(Ne)moć medija: dobne razlike u načinu upotrebe starih i novih medija i stavova o cijepljenju“, addressing the age differences in using the old and new media, and in attitudes towards vaccination.
Furthermore, Marita Grubišić-Čabo, Marko Kovačić, PhD and Filip Fila held a presentation titled “Premoćni u (ne)moćnima: analiza disperzije moći prema različitim grupama mladih“, in which they analysed the dispersion of power towards various groups of youth.
More about the conference can be found at the link.