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Open Day ISRZ held
Published: 15.12.2023.

The Institute's Open Day was held on 14 December 2023. It is an event that we organize with the aim to present the results of our scientific research to the interested public in a popular and informal way.
The visitors were greeted by the Director Boris Jokić. The Open Day started with two presentations of our recent educational research studies. Dora Petrović, PhD student at the CSF project “The role of personality, motivation and socio-emotional competences in early-career teachers’ occupational well-being“ (PI Iris Marušić, PhD) discussed the challenges that teachers face in their early-career stage. Jana Šimon, PhD student at the CSF project “Educational aspirations of pupils at transitional periods of Croatian elementary education: nature, determinants and change – EWAchange“ (PI Boris Jokić) presented the findings of the research on the ban of the use of mobile phones in elementary schools. Afterwards, Anamaria Klasić, PhD student at the CSF project “Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia– HESC“ (PI Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD) presented the results of the study on the quality of life in Zagreb housing estates. The final presentation was held by Branko Ančić, PhD. It was titled “Degrowth – Why is it an important topic in social sciences and why is it inevitable?“.
We thank all of you who visited us and actively participated in the discussions!