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Open Day ISRZ 2024 held
Published: 15.11.2024.

In the year in which we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we organized the Open Day ISRZ. The audience was greeted by Director Boris Jokić, and then the programme was opened by the presentation delivered by Dunja Potočnik. She presented the results of the project “YO-VID22: Youth wellbeing and support structures before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic“, which is implemented in collaboration with the University of Maribor and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, and is financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. The programme continued with the presentation by Hideko Noda, Associate Professor of Music Education from the Jumonji University in Tokio, and visiting researcher at the Institute's Centre for Educational Research and Development. Hideko presented her insights into the way music is taught in Croatian primary schools, and compared it to the Japanese system. Further on, Anja Gvozdanović presented the international project “MOJ DOM. Refugees, migration and erased memories in the aftermath of Yugoslav wars“, which addresses the psychological and sociocultural legacy arising as a consequence of wars in former Yugoslavia. The programme ended with the projection of the film “La lunga vacanza - Endless holiday – Beskrajno ljetovanje“ (directed by Davor Marinković), which is also one of the project's outputs. The MOJ DOM project is financed by the EU programme Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values.