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Marija Brajdić Vuković, PhD presented insights of the CSF project RESETH at the PUBMET 2024 conference
Published: 16.09.2024.

Marija Brajdić Vuković, PhD was invited to participate as a guest panelist in the panel discussion “Initiatives and Practices in Transforming Research Assessment” within PUBMET 2024 - The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science, which was held on 12 and 13 September 2024 at the University of Zadar. The panel Chair Emanuel Kulczycki moderated the discussion with panelists Dejana Carić, Marija Brajdić Vuković, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Iva Melinščak Zlodi and Milica Ševkušić on the initiatives, practices and ideas that should govern future assessment of research work. Marija presented the first insights into the results of the project “Social responsibility and professional ethics of Croatian researchers (RESETH)” financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. In her presentation, Marija placed the assessment of research work, projects and publications in a broader context of the role of researchers and science in the society, and the questions of researchers’ professional identity.