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Invitation to the final conference of the ESF project TEMCO
Published: 05.10.2023.

The Thematic Network Lifelong Education invites you to the final conference of the ESF project TEMCO, which is coordinated by the Institute for the Development of Education and in which the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb is included as one of the partners. The conference’s title is ”Educational Inequalities in Croatia: Challenges of the Present, Solutions for the Future“.
In the past three years the Network carried out six research studies on educational inequalities at all educational levels, from early and pre-school education to higher education and education of adults. The research included more than 2,500 questionnaire survey participants and 300 participants of focus-groups and interviews. Based on the findings of the Network, the project team developed recommendations that underwent public discussions with 270 actors from the educational system. The recommendations will soon be available at the following web page.
The final conference of the Network will be an opportunity to present the results and recommendations to the broader and expert public, and open a discussion on public policies related to the reduction of educational inequalities, particularly within the National Plan of the Development of the Educational System until 2027.
The Network invites representatives of the state institutions, local and regional authorities, scientific community, educational institutions, civil society organizations and the media to join us at the conference, so that we can further contribute to the development of equality and inclusiveness of the Croatian educational system through collaboration and dialogue.
The conference is taking place on Thursday 26th October 2023 from 9.30 AM till 2.30 PM in the premises of the HUB385 (Franje Petračića 6, 10000 Zagreb).
The Agenda and the application form are available here.