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Forum What are the possibilities of residential buildings renovation in Zagreb? held
Published: 25.03.2022.

The scientific and professional forum titled “What are the possibilities of residential buildings renovation in Zagreb?“ was held on 24th March 2022. It was organized by the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb within the project Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia. At the forum, the results of the (online) questionnaire survey with representatives of co-owners of multi-apartment residential buildings in Croatia were presented, and the printed publication titled Summarized results of the survey (in Croatian) was disseminated.
The results were presented by Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD (project leader for Croatia) and members of the project team Mirjana Adamović, PhD and Ratko Đokić, PhD. Afterwards, the the possibilities of (energy efficiency) renovation of buildings were discussed, especially the older ones in the housing estates in Zagreb, and in Croatia in general. The participants of the discussion were stakeholders relevant for the topic, coming from various sectors: Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, Croatian Building Managers Association, The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, the internet portal specialized for the issues of housing ZGRADOnač, and co-owners' representatives.
The project is carried out collaboratively by the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. It is financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. The forum was held in the premises of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography. It instigated a very active discussion and gathered many visitors.