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Final dissemination and round table conference within the bilateral Slovenian-Croatian CSF/SRA project HESC
Published: 31.05.2023.

Final dissemination and round table conference within the bilateral Slovenian-Croatian CSF/SRA project titled Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia - HESC (2020-2023) were held on 26 May 2023 from 11.00 AM till 3.00 PM in the premises of the City of Zagreb Forum in Zagreb.
At the conference, members of the Croatian team (Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, Project Leader, and collaborators: Ratko Đokić, Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić, Mirjana Adamović and Anamaria Klasić) presented the expert study titled Basic overview of results on the quality of living in socialist and post-socialist large housing estates in Croatia and Slovenia. The study encompasses results of the questionnaire survey conducted in selected housing estates in Croatia and Slovenia (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek, and Ljubljana and Maribor).
The round table discussion titled HOUSING IN THE HOUSING ESTATES IN CROATIA AND SLOVENIA –OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT gathered colleagues from the project and guests from various city and state institutions:
- Dr. Richard Sendi, Research Councillor - Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Project Leader for Slovenia
- Associate Professor Dr. Boštjan Kerbler, Professional Research Councillor - Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, project collaborator
- Željko Uhlir, MA – State Secretary in the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
- Nikša Božić, BSc ing. arch. – Director of the Institute for Physical Planning of the City of Zagreb
- Mladen Ilijević, BSc ing. arch. – The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
- Bojan Linardić, BSc ing. arch. – Director of the Institute for Spatial Development of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
- Prof. Tihomir Jukić, PhD – Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb – project collaborator
All participants were actively engaged in the discussion, while emphasizing the importance of the topic of housing, and the necessity of regulation of housing policies in Croatia and Slovenia.