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Filip Fila, Nikola Petrović, PhD and Josip Bilić participated in the ECPR General Conference 2023
Published: 11.09.2023.

Filip Fila, Nikola Petrović, PhD and Josip Bilić participated in the ECPR General Conference 2023 with the presentation titled “Belonging where (and to whom)? Geopolitical orientations of Croatian presidents“, which was presented in the panel-discussion “Central European Presidents, Governments, and Foreign Policy“.
The authors provided an analysis of geopolitical orientations of four Croatian presidents by taking into account their attitudes on the East vs. West divide, the European Union, the post-Yugoslav region, and favourable and unfavourable geopolitical allies.
The conference was held at the Charles University in Prague from 4 till 8 September 2023.
The presentation is available here.