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Field work within the CSF-SRA project ISOLATION
Published: 25.03.2024.

During winter 2024, researchers of the project “Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION“, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) and the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA) conducted a comparative ethnographic research in Bania and Dubrovnik (Croatia), and in Ljubljana and Črna na Koroškem (Slovenia).
The researchers from Slovenia Dan Podjed, Katarina Polajnar-Horvat and Sandi Abram, together with Lana Peternel, Filip Škiljan and Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić from Croatia explored comparatively the ways in which isolation instigates different meanings and associations, enabling the reinterpretation of contemporary social, political or cultural outcomes arising from processes of (non)connecting of individual or common destinies within a spatial and temporal framework.
During two and a half months, the researchers viewed isolation as the final step in the processes of disappearance in the spatio-temporal coordinates of global influences, and as an experiential outcome of conflicts and destructing of social and cultural bridges. The way in which the process of isolation or isolating becomes transformed was explored by describing the aesthetics of abandoned spaces, the aspects of individual values and the politics of identity building and preservation of social bridges.
More about the project: