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Field research on Žumberak within the CSF-SRA project ISOLATION
Published: 31.05.2023.

Within the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project of the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA) and the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) 'Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION’ (IPS 2022-02-3741) a field research is conducted on Žumberak.
Etnographic research is carried out by Lana Peternel and Nikolina Hazdovac Bajić (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb), and Filip Škiljan and Ana Perinić Lewis (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies).
The explored places are Sošice, Radatovići, Kašt, Badovinci, Vivodina, Belošići in Croatia, and Vidošiči and Drašiči in Slovenia.