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Field research in Gorski Kotar as part of the ARRS-HRZZ project ‘Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION’
Published: 20.04.2023.

As part of the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) ‘Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia – ISOLATION’ (IPS 2022-02-3741) a field research is carried out in Gorski Kotar on both sides of the Kupa river.
Etnographic research is conducted by Katarina Polajnar Horvat (Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) and Lana Peternel (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb).
The research is taking place in Čabar, Gerovo, Plešci, and Tršće in Croatia, and in Osilnica, Novi and Stari Kot in Slovenia.
Also, the Secondary School 'Vladimir Nazor' in Čabar reported about the research and the talk that the researchers had with the pupils on life in Gorski Kotar. The news is available here.