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Award for the best final thesis that has cited the Youth Wiki platform
Published: 23.11.2023.

The award is given by the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and the Central State Office for Demography and Youth. It is awarded to the best final thesis from the domain of social sciences and humanities. The term 'final thesis' refers to a thesis that a student wrote independently, and defended it as a condition for completing an undergraduate or graduate study. Additionally, the thesis needs to be structured appropriately, with adequate methodology, analysis and conclusions, with obligatory citing of the Youth Wiki platform as a source (minimum one reference).
The final thesis will be evaluated by the committee comprised of one representative of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and two representatives of the Central State Office for Demography and Youth.
The best final thesis will be awarded with a financial contribution of 300 EUR.
The platform is available here.
The Youth Wiki platform is a product of the project Support to Better Knowledge in Youth Policy, which aims to establish a codified system of national youth policies monitoring. The aim of this project is to collect, systematize and analyze data clustered into nine subfields of youth policies, in line with the European Youth Strategy.
Deadline: 30 January 2024
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