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Assistant Dora Petrović presented at the international 27th ISSBD conference in Lisbon
Published: 21.06.2024.

At the 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) held in Lisbon, PhD candidate Dora Petrović presented the paper “The relationship between early-career teachers’ personality and burnout symptoms: Facet-level analyses”. The paper is written in co-authorship with Josip Šabić, PhD and Iris Marušić, PhD, as part of the TeachWell project, which is financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.
The paper was presented within the symposium “The role of personality traits and personality similarity in school and family outcomes”, organized by Qingqing Du and Helma M. Y. Koomen of the University of Amsterdam. Participants in the symposium were also Monika H. Donker, PhD and Marcel van Aken, PhD of the University of Utrecht.