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Announcement: Kick-off conference within the EU project "Raising awareness about gender-based cyber violence and advocating for a safer online environment for women and girls (bE-SAFE)”
Published: 07.03.2023.

On 7 March 2023, a Kick-off Conference within the EU project "Raising awareness about gender-based cyber violence and advocating for a safer online environment for women and girls (bE-SAFE)”, organized by Croatian Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, will take place in Zagreb.
The EU project "Raising awareness about gender-based cyber violence and advocating for a safer online environment for women and girls - CERV-2022-DAPHNE-101096462-bE-SAFE”, will be presented at the Conference. The Project is co-financed by the European Commission under the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) Program.
Partners on the Project are:
- Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, Republic of Croatia, project holder
- ISRZ - Institute for Social Research in Zagreb,
- CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research,
- Domine - Women's rights promotion organization,
- CIG - Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality from Portugal,
- PpDM - Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights; and
- LEM Espana - Women's rights organization from Spain.
Croatian state bodies supporting the project are: Ministry of Interior Affairs and Ministry of Science and Education.
Online live broadcast of the Conference (on Tuesday, 7 March 2023), with the planned duration from 11:00 to 13:00, will be available at the following link.
The Conference will be held in hybrid form (in person and online), in English. We invite all interested parties to follow the Conference through the indicated link, namely pupils of primary and secondary schools and students, especially women/girls; young scientists, youth and women involved in the work of civil society organizations dealing with youth, young women involved in the work of women's NGOs and students of women's studies. In addition, we invite experts who work with youth, high school teachers, university and academic professors and professionals from across the region, so they could gain insight into the different forms of cyber-violence to which young people and women are particularly exposed.