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Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD, Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić, PhD and prof. Tihomir Jukić, PhD from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb participated in a field study of housing estates in Split within the HESC project
Published: 30.09.2022.

Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD and Jelena Zlatar Gamberožić, PhD from the ISRZ and prof. Tihomir Jukić, PhD from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb participated as part of the project “Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia“ - HESC in a field study of socialist and post-socialist housing estates in Split. Also, in the premises of the Split Society of Architects (DAS) they held interviews with experts on Split housing estates from the Faculty of Architecture in Split and the Split Society of Architects. During the two days of the field study (22 and 23 September) the colleagues from Split introduced the colleagues from Zagreb adeptly and in great detail with the housing development of Split, which was very useful for further implementation of the HESC project.