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Anamaria Klasić participated in the round table on the “Challenges of Focus Groups from the Perspective of Junior and Senior Researchers“
Published: 10.06.2024.

Assistant Anamaria Klasić participated in the round table on the topic of “Challenges of Focus Groups from the Perspective of Junior and Senior Researchers“. The round table was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb on 7 June 2024. The round table was part of the School of Methodology “Challenges of Implementation and Analysis of Focus Groups in Social Sciences”, organized by the project Sense AGENDa implemented by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb (Principal Investigator Tanja Vučković Juroš, PhD) and the Section for Qualitative Research Methods of the Croatian Sociological Association.
Along with two Senior Researchers, and another Junior Researcher, our Assistant shared her experiences on the implementation of focus groups as part of her doctoral research, which was realised within the Croatian Science Foundation bilateral project “Quality of living in the Housing Estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: a comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia“ (Mentor and Principal Investigator Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac, PhD).