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A workshop and a public forum held within the CSF project IDEU
Published: 13.02.2024.

Within the 'Integration and Disintegration of the European Union’ project, our Institute hosted a workshop on 6 February 2024 as part of the creation of a special issue of the journal ‘Innovation’ dedicated to the topic of 'New Europeanism'. The workshop served as a meeting point of potential authors, who presented their papers and received key comments on how to improve them. The workshop was held in a hybrid format, while its second part was held on 9 February 2023 in an online mode.
As part of the project activities, we also organized a public forum ‘Populism and Euroscepticism as Mainstream’ on 7 February 2024. It was coorganized by the Institute and the Department of European Studies of the Croatian Sociological Association. At the forum, Natasza Styczyńska (Jagiellonian University) held the presentation titled 'Populist Euroscepticism in Central Europe', and Richard McMahon (University College London) presented the topic 'Is Alt-Europe possible? Populist radical right counternarratives of European integration'.