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5th Days of Educational Sciences held
Published: 25.10.2022.

The scientific conference 5th Days of Educational Sciences was held on 19th and 20th October 2022 in Zagreb. It was dedicated to the topic “How to foster well-being in educational settings during challenging times?“.
The conference gathered 143 participants from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Canada. Within the conference, three plenary lectures were held: prof. Jelena Vranješević, PhD from the University of Belgrade held a lecture titled “What colour is happiness – What does equity say?“, Linda Liebenberg, PhD from Dalhousie University, Canada presented the topic “The role of schools in augmenting resilience resources for children and adolescents in times of adversity“, and Ana Kozina, PhD from the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana introduced the topic „The Psychological Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovenia: The Role of Social and Emotional Competencies“.
A symposium dedicated to the late professor Vlasta Vizek Vidović was also held, under the title “Development of teachers' identity in Croatia“. The conference ended with a round table discussion titled “Resilience and professional well-being of teachers in challenging times“.
We are grateful to all who participated in the conference!