Teo Matković
Scientific advisor
- Researcher’s unique code: 263434
- Job title: Scientific advisor
- Field of interest: education, labour market, career transitions, social inequalities, social policies, impact evaluation
Qualifications, scientific advancement and education
Scientific advisor (sociology)
Senior research associate (social policy)
Senior research associate (sociology)
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Assistant professor in social policy unit
Research associate (social policy)
PhD in social policy, University of Zagreb. Thesis on “Transition from education to work in Croatia”
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, research and teaching assistant in social policy unit
MSc in sociology, Nuffield college, University of Oxford. Thesis on “Different Ways of Being One’s Own Boss: Patterns of Self-Employment in Croatia”
MA in sociology Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
Research projects
„Changes in the Organization of the Educational Process caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Educational Experiences, Well-being and Aspirations of Pupils in Croatia (EWACHANGE)“
Availability of upper secondary education programmes in Croatia 2013-2021.: Demographics, enrolment, capacities, demand, interest, interventions and projections (RASPUH)
Updated estimate of quantitative needs for education and employment of ECEC educators (MZO)
Assessment of institutional and structural determinants of application for and success at State Matura exams
Social resilience of Croatian society in the midst and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (SOCRES)
Quality improvement and breaks in time series exercise for the LFS in view of the entry into force of the new IESS regulation Croatia (CBS)
A study on financing and governance in pre-primary education (UNICEF)
Analysis of employment and wages via administrative microdata within the ESF project „Contribution to tripartite social dialogue – labour market perspectives“
Analysis of working conditions in pre-school education within the ESF project „Promoting quality of social dialogue via development and strengthening administrative and professional capacities“
Jobs and inclusion in Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem (The World Bank)
Eurograduate pilot survey (Eurograduate consortium, DG EAC)
Croatia NDS RAS – Education and Skills Note (The World Bank)
Analytical background for selection of priority occupations within the ESF project “Modernisation of VET” (ASOO)
Analysis of availability, quality, capacity and financing of ECEC in Croatia (MDOMSP)
Comprehensive Impact and process evaluation of CES ALMPs (CES, IPA)
Further development of occupational standards (CES, ESF)
Annual Employer Survey of Croatian Employment Service (CES)
Piloting the Statistically assisted profiling system for the unemployed (model and practices) within the CES. Social Protection System Modernization Project (The World Bank, CES)
Merging public register microdata in order to enable Analysis of employability of students who have graduated from Professional tertiary education in Croatia in 2008-2013 period (MSE, CES, Croatian pension insurance fund)
Support for Establishment of National/RegionalSocial Sciences Data Archives (SERSCIDA, FPVII Capacities programme, Science in Society)
Mapping VET Education Policies and Practices for Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion: the role of VET in promoting employment, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship in Western Balkans, Turkey and Israel (LSEE/European Training Foundation)
University education and labour market: research on careers and employability of Faculty of Law graduates (University of Zagreb development program “excellent”)
Adjustments in the public sector: Scope, effects and policy issues (ILO/EC)
Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies 2009-2010 cycle using matching techniques (CES)
Labor market outcomes and transition to tertiary education of vocational education graduates in Croatia. A part of vocational sectoral profiles within the IPA IV project “Strengthening institutional framework for the development of the VET occupational standards & curricula”
EUROSTUDENT IV (Eurostudent consortium/MZOS)
Social Impact Analysis and Response to the Effects of Economic Crisis (UNDP and The World Bank)
Educational Systems and Labour Markets in Central and Eastern Europe (Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung /Volkswagen foundation)
Research and reporting on the vulnerable youth (education dropouts and those who face difficult school-to-work tranistions) as a part of Croatian Joint Inclusion Memorandum agenda. (MZSS)
Deployment of European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) in Croatia (UNDP)
A comparative study of the labour market and of the vocational education and training system in Croatia (CARDS 2002)
Selected bibliography