Nikola Petrović
Senior research associate
- Researcher’s unique code: 301910
- Job title: Head of the Centre for Spatial and Political Research
- Field of interest: European studies, economic sociology, sociology of knowledge and science
Qualifications, scientific advancement and education
Ph.D. in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb
Research scholarship at the Faculty of Social Sciences, KU Leuven
B.A. in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb
Research projects
Effects of the Europeanization Process in Selected Urban-Rural Areas of Croatia
Integration and disintegration of the European Union: Dynamics of Europeanism and Euroscepticism (HRZZ) (principal investigator)
Comparison of national and religious identities of secondary school students in Croatia and Slovenia (MZO)
H2020-MSCA-NIGHT project: European Researchers´ Night – Techno-Past Techno-Future (MZO)
New Paradigms in Sustainability Research: Green Economy and the Well-being of Youth (ESF)
Research activity, collaboration and orientation in social sciences in Croatia and other post-socialist European countries (HRZZ)
Selected bibliography
Petrović, N., Raos, V., & Fila, F. (2022). Centrist and radical right populists in Central and Eastern Europe: divergent visions of history and the EU. Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Petrović, N. (2021). Why do environmental and ecological economics diverge?: comparison of the ideological, institutional and scientific backgrounds of the main actors. Science and technology studies, 35(1), 35–57.
Petrović, N. (2018). Divided national memories and EU crises: how Eurosceptic parties mobilize historical narratives. Innovation: the European journal of social science research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13511610.2018.1523710.
Petrović, N. (2018). Hrvatska ekonomija između europske periferije i poluperiferije: nalazi iz povijesti hrvatskih visokotehnoloških poduzeća. Revija za sociologiju, 48(1), 5-47.
Petrović, N. (2017). The Promethean role of Europe: changing narratives of the political and scholarly left. National identities, 19(2), 179-197.
Petrović, N. (2016). EU ideology. Innovation: the European journal of social science research, 29(1), 56-76.