Josip Šabić
Research associate
- Researcher’s unique code: 355256
- Job title: Research associate
- Field of interest: psychology of education, psychometrics
Qualifications, scientific advancement and education
Research Associate (interdisciplinary field: educational science)
PhD in Psychology (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb). Thesis title: “Confirmatory Approach In Examining Gender Differences In Mathematical Problem-Solving Performance“
Visiting PhD student (Educational Research & Development Group, KU Leuven) – 1 month
Visiting PhD student (The Psychometrics Centre, University of Cambridge) – 3 months
Master in Psychology (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
Research projects
Assessment of institutional and structural determinants of application for and success at State Matura exams (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb)
The role of personality, motivation and socio-emotional competences in early-career teachers’ occupational well-being (Croatian Science Foundation)
EWAchange - Changes in the Organization of the Educational Process caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Educational Experiences, Well-being and Aspirations of Pupils in Croatia (Croatian Science Foundation)
RASPUH - Availability of upper secondary school programs in Croatia 2013-2021: demographics, enrollment, capacities, demand, interest, interventions and projections (Ministry of Science and Education)
TEMCO - Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All (European Social Fund)
Analysis of the conditions and needs in secondary education related to informing on higher education choices and procedures for enrollment on study programmes through the Central Applications Office (Agency for Science and Higher Education)
The use of ICT in learning, teaching and assessment in Croatian primary and secondary schools (Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET)
The use of ICT in learning, teaching and assessment in Croatian primary and secondary schools (Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET)
Analysis of the Contents and the Results of the High School Final Exams – Biology, Physics and Chemistry 2009./10. (National Centre for External Evaluation of Education)
Development, standardization and psychometric validation of cognitive abilities tests (Ministry for Science, Education and Sports)
Selected bibliography
Puzić, S., Baketa, N., Baranović, B., Gregurović, M., Matković, T., Mornar, M., Odak, I., & Šabić, J. (2021). On underrepresented and vulnerable groups of students: contributions to the enhancement of the social dimension of higher education in Croatia. Ministry of Science and Education, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.
Jokić, B., Ristić Dedić, Z. & Šabić, J. (2011). Analiza sadržaja i rezultata ispita državne mature iz fizike. [Analysis of Content and Results of State Matura Exam in Physics]. Zagreb: Nacionalni centar za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja i Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Ristić Dedić, Z. Jokić, B. & Šabić, J. (2011). Analiza sadržaja i rezultata ispita državne mature iz biologije. [Analysis of Content and Results of State Matura Exam in Biology]. Zagreb: Nacionalni centar za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja i Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Ristić Dedić, Z. Jokić, B. & Šabić, J. (2011). Analiza sadržaja i rezultata ispita državne mature iz kemije. [Analysis of Content and Results of State Matura Exam in Chemistry]. Zagreb: Nacionalni centar za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja i Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Book Chapters
Šabić, J. (2019). Kompetencija učiti kako učiti u Hrvatskoj. U: V. Vizek Vidović i I. Marušić (ur.), Kompetencija učiti kako učiti: teorijske osnove i istraživanja u hrvatskom kontekstu (str. 31-53). Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu.
Šabić, J. (2019). Populacijska perspektiva – visokoškolski odabiri hrvatskih srednjoškolaca u razdoblju od 2010. do 2017. godine. U: Z. Ristić Dedić i B. Jokić (ur.), Što nakon srednje? Želje, planovi i stavovi hrvatskih srednjoškolaca (str. 136-185), Zagreb: Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje.
Journal articles
Mornar, M., Marušić, I., & Šabić, J. (2022). Academic self-efficacy and learning strategies as mediators of the relation between personality and elementary school students’ achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
Šabić, J., Baranović, B., & Rogošić, S. (2021). Teachers' Self-efficacy for Using Information and Communication Technology: The Interaction Effect of Gender and Age. Informatics in Education.
Šabić, J., & Jokić, B. (2021). Elementary school pupils’ aspirations for higher education: The role of status attainment, blocked opportunities and school context. Educational studies, 47(2), 200-216.
Puzić, S., Šabić, J., & Odak, I. (2021). Vocational School Students' Aspirations for Higher Education and Selected Social Background Characteristics. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 57(6), 661-682.
Rogošić, S., Baranović, B. i Šabić, J. (2021). Primjena IKT-a u procesu učenja, poučavanja i vrednovanja u srednjim strukovnim školama: Kvalitativna analiza. Metodički ogledi, 28(1), 63-88.
Marušić, I., Kuterovac Jagodić, G., Erceg, I. i Šabić, J. (2020). Longitudinal study of individual, environmental and contextual factors predicting adaptation to the transition to lower secondary education. Learning and Individual Differences, 83, 101946.
Šabić, J., Matić Bojić, J. i Marušić, I. (2020). Gimnazija ili četverogodišnja strukovna škola? Osobne i socijalne odrednice odabira vrste srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Revija za sociologiju, 50(2), 139-159.
Puzić, S., Šabić, J. i Odak, I. (2020). Inozemstvo, Zagreb ili neki drugi grad u Hrvatskoj? Društveno porijeklo, racionalnost izbora i aspiracije srednjoškolaca prema mjestu studiranja. Revija za sociologiju, 50(2), 285-308.
Puzić, S., Odak, I. i Šabić, J. (2019). Educational outcomes and aspirations of upper secondary school students: The cultural capital and relative risk aversion perspectives. Sociologija, 61(3), 368-388.
Šabić, J. (2016). Understanding the Country’s Underachievement in International Assessment: Differential Item and Bundle Functioning Approach. CADMO, 24(1), 5-19.
Šabić, J. (2014). Usporedba rezultata pristupnika iz različitih dijalektalnih regija na zadacima vezanim uz tekstove pisane čakavskim narječjem u ispitu državne mature iz Hrvatskog jezika. (Comparison of results of candidates from different dialectal regions on items related to the texts written in Cakavian dialect in Croatian language state matura examination). Suvremena psihologija, 17(1), 21-33.
Ćurković, N., Šabić, J. & Buljan Culej, J. (2010). Lista za procjenu kvalitete zadataka. (Item Quality Review Inventory). Suvremena psihologija, 13(2), 257-273.