
Ivana Pikić Jugović

Scientific advisor

  • Researcher’s unique code: 263886
  • Job title: Scientific advisor
  • Field of interest: psychology of education, psychology of gender

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


Scientific advisor in social sciences, the field of psychology


Senior Research Associate in social sciences, the field of psychology


Research Associate in social sciences, the field of psychology


Senior research assistant


Junior research assistant


Completed a four-year training programme in Gestalt Psychotherapy organized by the Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta and Intronaut Zagreb


Ph.D. in Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Dissertation “The importance of gender roles and stereotypes in the explanation of academic achievement and vocational choices


B.Sc. in Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Research thesis “Satisfaction with gender roles

Research projects

2024 – 2027

National Panel Research of Secondary Schools - CIROscope

2021 – 2025

The role of personality, motivation and socio-emotional competences in early-career teachers’ occupational well-being

2021 – 2024

HAND IN HAND: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity related career challenges

2020 – 2023

ESF project: Thematic Network “Lifelong Education Accessible to All” (TEMCO)

2017 – 2020

Hand in Hand: Social and Emotional Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies (A Whole School Approach)

2017 – 2018

Initial education of subject teachers: Motivation, identities, and social and emotional competencies (ISRZ)

2016 – 2019

Social stratification in Croatia: structural and subjective aspects (Croatian Science Foundation)

2016 – 2017

Gender-related challenges in European education systems (European Institute for Gender Equality – EIGE)

2015 – 2016

Natural sciences are “in” (European Social Fund)

2013 – 2016

Social identities, higher education access and course choices (Croatian Science Foundation)

2014 – 2015

International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) – module Family and Changing Gender Roles

2013 – 2014

Professional development of teachers during initial education – longitudinal perspective

2007 – 2013

Professional development of teachers during initial education and induction

2011 – 2012

Youth and alcohol: Research about habits, attitudes and behaviours

2011 – 2012

Young men as allies in preventing violence and conflict in the Western Balkans – Young men initiative project – Phase II

2010 – 2012

Expressing love in marriage – gender, age and cultural differences


Perception, experience and the attitudes toward gender discrimination in Croatia

2008 – 2010

Western Balkan gender-based violence prevention initiative – Young men initiative project

2005 – 2007

Gender-sensitive textbooks and classroom practice in the Balkan region

2004 – 2007

Introduction of state examination in Croatian education

2004 – 2006

Violence against lesbians, gays and bisexuals in Croatia

Selected bibliography

Journal articles

Pikić Jugović, I., Marušić, I., & Matić Bojić, J. (2025). Early career teachers’ social and emotional competencies, self-efficacy and burnout: a mediation model. BMC Psychology, 13 (9), 1-14.

Pikić Jugović, I., Doolan, K., & Baranović, B. (2024). Exploring situated expectancy-value theory: a study of gendered higher education choices. Psihološka istraživanja, 27 (2), 197-222.

Pikić Jugović, I., Matić Bojić, J., Puzić, S., Odak, I., Brajković, S., Dahlström, H., Galić, G., Gaspar de Matos, M., Gøtzsche, K., Kozina, A., Mlekuž, A., Paleczek, L., & Rožman, M. (2023). Teachers’ diversity awareness and critical consciousness - sine qua non of social justice in schools. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research, 5(1), 189-210.

Pikić Jugović, I., Petrović, D., & Marušić, I. (2023). The mediating role of personality and gender roles on the relationship between gender and empathy: a study on preservice teachers. Sociologija i prostor, 61(1), 59-77.

Kozina, A., Veldin, M., Rožman, M., & Pikić Jugović, I. (2023). The mediating effect of student-teacher relationships for the relationship between empathy and aggression: insights from Slovenia and Croatia. Current Psychology, 42(30), 26418-26428.

Pikić Jugović, I., Maskalan, A., & Pavin Ivanec, T. (2022). Gender Differences and Motivation for The Teaching Profession: Why Do Men Choose (Not) To Teach?. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(9), 1-18.

Pikić Jugović, I. & Baranović, B. (2022). How do Students Choose Their Study Courses? Qualitative Research on Motivational, Gender and Contextual Factors. Sociologija i prostor, 60(3), 573-599. doi:10.5673/sip.60.3.7

Kozina, A., Veldin, M., Rožman, M., & Pikić Jugović, I. (2022). The mediating effect of student teacher relationships for the relationship between empathy and aggression: insights from Slovenia and Croatia. Current psychology, 41(9), 1-12. doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03480-6

Jugović, I., Matković, T., & Jokić, B. (2020). Gender typicality of higher education aspirations in secondary education: Intensification, convergence or stability. Revija za sociologiju, 50(2), 253-284. doi:10.5613/rzs.50.2.5

Müller, F., Denk, A., Lubaway, E., Sälzer, C., Kozina, A., Vršnik Perše, T., Rasmusson, M., Jugović, I., Lund Nielsen, B., Rozman, M., Ojsteršek, A., Jurko, S. (2020). Assessing social, emotional, and intercultural competences of students and school staff: a systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 29, 1-24. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2019.100304

Jugović, I. (2017). Students’ Gender-Related Choices and Achievement in Physics. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(2), 71-95.

Jugović, I. (2016). Beliefs about the gender division of parental leave and characteristics associated with them. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 23 (3), 359-382.

Marušić, I., Jugović, I. & Lončarić, D. (2016). Approaches to learning of first-year and fifth-year student teachers: Are there any differences? European journal of teacher education. Advance online publication. doi:

Huić, A., Jugović, I., & Kamenov, Ž. (2015). Student attitudes toward the rights of homosexual persons. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 22 (2), 219-245.

Baranović, B., Jugović, I. & Puzić, S. (2014). The importance of family origin and gender for mathematics achievement and choice of secondary school. Revija za socijalnu politiku. 21(3), 285-307.

Jugović, I. & Doolan, K. (2013). Is there anything specific about early school leaving in Southeast Europe? A review of research and policy. European Journal of Education, 48 (3), 363-377.

Jugović, I., Marušić, I., Pavin Ivanec, T., & Vizek Vidović, V. (2012). Motivation and Personality of Pre-service Teachers in Croatia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (3), 271-287.

Jugović, I., Baranović, B., & Marušić, I. (2012). The role of gender stereotypes and motivation in the explanation of mathematics achievement and anxiety. Suvremena psihologija, 15 (1), 65-79.

Kamenov, Ž., Huić, A., & Jugović, I. (2011). The effect of gender discrimination within family of origin on the perception of gender inequality, attitudes towards gender roles and the tendency to discriminate based on gender. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 18 (2), 195-215.

Marušić, I., Jugović, I., & Pavin Ivanec, T. (2011). Expectancy-value theory of motivation and the choice of teaching as a career. Psihologijske teme, 20 (2), 299-318.

Baranović, B., Doolan, K. i Jugović, I. (2010). Are Croatian primary school literature textbooks gender sensitive? Sociologija i prostor, 187 (2), 349-374.

Jugović, I. (2010). The role of motivation and gender stereotypes in explanation of the intention of a study choice in stereotypically male domain. Sociologija i prostor, 186 (1), 77-98.

Jugović, I. (2010). What is measured under the concept of gender roles? The review and evaluation of gender role scales and attitudes toward gender roles scales. Suvremena psihologija, 13 (1), 113-135.

Jugović, I. i Kamenov, Ž. (2008). The development of an instrument for measuring gender roles in adolescence. Suvremena psihologija, 11 (1), 93-106.

Book chapters

Matić Bojić, J., Pikić Jugović, I., & Puzić, S. (2024). “Why didn’t anyone tell us this before?!”: integrating social, emotional and diversity awareness competencies into teacher professional development. In: A. Kozina (Ed.) Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity-related challenges: volume 1: experimentation perspectives (pp. 41-57). Waxmann, Münster.

Jugović, I., Puzić, S., & Mornar, M. (2020). Developing the social, emotional and intercultural learning programme for students. In A. Kozina (Ed.) Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe: Relationships matter (pp. 59-82). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.

Jugović, I. & Bezinović, P. (2020). Victimisation experiences in school and perceived teacher support of same-sex-attracted high school students. In J. I. Kjaran & H. Sauntson (Eds.) Schools as Queer Transformative Spaces (pp. 103-122). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781351028820-7

Jugović, I. (2019). Gender aspects of motivation to learn. In: V. Vizek Vidović & I. Marušić (Eds.) Kompetencija učiti kako učiti: teorijske osnove i istraživanja u hrvatskom kontekstu (pp. 169-199). Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu.

Jugović, I. (2019). Psychology of gender. In S. Bojanić i B. Miloš (Eds.) Uvod u studije roda: od teorije do angažmana (pp. 137-157). Rijeka: Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci.

Jugović, I. (2019). Gender perspective – Students’ ambitions, plans and attitudes related to transition from secondary to higher education. In Z. Ristić Dedić i B. Jokić (Eds.) Što nakon srednje? Želje, planovi i stavovi hrvatskih srednjoškolaca (pp. 64-83). Zagreb: Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje.

Marušić, I., Jugović, I. & Pavin Ivanec, T. (2017). How personality dimensions and motivation to teach shape the learning achievement goals of Croatian future teachers. In H. M. G. Watt, P. W. Richardson, & K. Smith (Eds.) Global Perspectives on teacher motivation (pp. 189-219). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jugović, I. (2015). The theoretical and empirical review of explanations of gender differences in educational choices and achievement. In: B. Baranović (Ed.) Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija (pp. 71-103). Zagreb : Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.

Jugović, I. (2015). Gender dimension of higher education course choice. In: B. Baranović (Ed.) Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija (pp. 165-185). Zagreb : Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.

Kamenov, Ž., Huić, A., & Jugović, I. (2014). Partner relationships in the context of gender and gender roles. In: Brajša-Žganec, A., Lopižić, J., & Penezić, Zvjezdan (Eds.). Psihološki aspekti suvremene obitelji, braka i partnerstva (pp. 239-274). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap i Hrvatsko psihološko društvo.

Jugović, I. & Ančić, B. (2013). Effects of religiosity and spirituality on gender roles and homonegativity in Croatia and Slovenia. In N. Furlan Štante & M. Harcet (Eds.) Spirituality of Balkan Women Breaking Boundaries: the Voices of Women of ex-Yugoslavia. (pp. 93-118). Ljubljana: University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Annales University Press.

Jugović, I. & Kamenov, Ž. (2011). Gender (in)equality and discrimination in family relations. In: Ž. Kamenov & B. Galić (Eds.) Rodna ravnopravnost i diskriminacija u Hrvatskoj: Istraživanje „Percepcija, iskustva i stavovi o rodnoj diskriminaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj“ (pp. 28-37). Zagreb: Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Kamenov, Ž. & Jugović, I. (2011). Perception, experience and the attitudes toward gender (in)equality in the family. In: Ž. Kamenov & B. Galić (Eds.) Rodna ravnopravnost i diskriminacija u Hrvatskoj: Istraživanje „Percepcija, iskustva i stavovi o rodnoj diskriminaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj“ (pp. 120-142). Zagreb: Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Baranović, B. & Jugović, I. (2011). Perception, experience and the attitudes toward gender (in)equality in education. In: Ž. Kamenov & B. Galić (Eds.) Rodna ravnopravnost i diskriminacija u Hrvatskoj: Istraživanje „Percepcija, iskustva i stavovi o rodnoj diskriminaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj“ (pp. 143-164). Zagreb: Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Jugović, I., Pikić, A., & Bokan, N. (2006). Lesbians, gays and bisexuals in Croatia: How the stigma shapes lives? In R. Kuhar, and J. Takacs (Eds.) Beyond the pink curtain: Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. (pp. 345-363). Ljubljana: Peace Institute (Politike Symposion).


Puzić, S., Marušić, I., Matić Bojić, J., Pikić Jugović, I. i Šabić, J. (2023). Obrazovne nejednakosti u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju iz učeničke i nastavničke perspektive. Biblioteka Posebna izdanja. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu.
