
Iva Odak

Research associate

  • Researcher’s unique code: 298641
  • Job title: Head of the Centre for Educational Research and Development
  • Field of interest: sociology of education

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


Research associate in social sciences, field of sociology


PhD in Sociology; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


MA in Sociology; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Research projects

2021 – 2024

HAND IN HAND: Empowering teachers across Europe to deal with social, emotional and diversity related career challenge

2020 –

ESF project: Thematic Network Lifelong Education Accessible to All (TEMCO)

2019 – 2020

Study report on the social dimension of higher education in the Republic of Croatia

2017 – 2020

Hand in Hand: Social and Emotional Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies (A Whole School Approach)

2016 – 2019

Educational aspirations of pupils at transitional periods of Croatian elementary education: nature, determinants and change

2017 – 2018

Social aspects of academic success and dropout of students at the University of Zagreb

2017 – 2018

Analysis of the conditions and needs in secondary education related to informing on higher education choices and procedures for enrolment on study programmes through the Central Applications Office

2016 – 2017

Study choice, educational achievement and family background: horizontal differences in the higher education system

2013 – 2016

Social identities, higher education access and course choice

2013 – 2015

E-quality: Linking quality and social inclusion in higher education in Croatia

2007 – 2013

Improvement and equalisation of the quality of compulsory education in Croatia

2007 – 2010

Self-evaluation of Schools: First Experiences in Elementary Schools in Croatia


Analysis of models of financing studies in Croatia and Europe

2006 – 2009

Crime as a Cultural Problem -The Relevance of Perceptions of Corruption to Crime Prevention. A Comparative Cultural Study in the EU-Accession States Bulgaria and Romania, the EU-Candidate States Turkey and Croatia and the EU-States Germany, Greece and United Kingdom

Selected bibliography

Puzić, S., Šabić, J. i Odak, I. (2020). Inozemstvo, Zagreb ili neki drugi grad u Hrvatskoj? Društveno porijeklo, racionalnost izbora i aspiracije srednjoškolaca prema mjestu studiranja. Revija za sociologiju. 50 (2), 285-308.

Puzić, S., Odak, I. i Šabić, J. (2019). Educational Outcomes and Aspirations of Upper Secondary School Students: The Cultural Capital and Relative Risk Aversion Perspectives. Sociologija. 61 (3), 368-388.

Odak, I. i Puzić, S. (2019) Perspektiva društvenog podrijetla – Želje, planovi i stavovi učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola o prijelazu iz srednjeg u visoko obrazovanje. U: Što nakon srednje? Želje, planovi i stavovi hrvatskih srednjoškolaca / Ristić Dedić, Z. i Jokić, B. (ur.) Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, 2019. 84-104.

Puzić, S., Gregurović, M. i Košutić, I. (2018) Kulturni kapital i obrazovne nejednakosti u Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj i Danskoj: usporedna analiza PISA 2009 podataka. Revija za socijalnu politiku (25) 2; 133-157.

Košutić, I. (2017) The Role of Cultural Capital in Higher Education Access and Institutional Choice. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal. Vol. 7, No. 1: 149 – 169.

Doolan, K.; Košutić, I.; Barada, V. (2016). Reinforcing social disadvantage: Institutional habitus in Croatian higher education. U: Die Organisation von Bildung: Soziologische Analysen zu Schule, Berufsbildung, Hochschule und Weiterbildung / Leeman, Regula Julia ; Imdorf, Christian ; Powell, Justin J.W. ; Sert, Mihael (ur.). Weinheim : Beltz Juventa. 308-329.

Puzić, S.; Gregurović, M. i Košutić I. (2016) A Shift in Perspective: An Analysis of PISA 2009 Data for Croatia. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Vol. 37 (2016), No 7: 1056-1076.

Košutić, I.; Puzić, S.; Doolan, K. (2015). Društveni i institucionalni aspekti odluke o studiranju i odabira visokoškolske institucije. U: Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? – Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija / Baranović, Branislava (ur.). Zagreb : Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, 123-163.

Puzić, S.; Košutić, I. (2015). Sociološki pristupi razumijevanju društvenih nejednakosti u obrazovanju. U: Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? – Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija / Baranović, Branislava (ur.). Zagreb : Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, 41-70.

Odak, Iva; Ristić Dedić, Zrinka; Bezinović, Petar; Rister, Damir (2010.) Kako škole vide sebe: Analiza samoevaluacijskog upitnika u projektu samovrednovanja škola // Samovrednovanje škola: Prva iskustva u osnovnim školama / Bezinović, Petar (ur.). Zagreb : Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje/Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, 2010. 63-95.

Ristić Dedić, Zrinka; Bezinović, Petar; Odak, Iva; Rister, Damir. (2010) Analiza prednosti, nedostataka, mogućnosti i zapreka u radu škola // Samovrednovanje škola: Prva iskustva u osnovnim školama / Bezinović, Petar (ur.). Zagreb: Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje/Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, 2010. 97-108.

Čaldarović, Ognjen; Štulhofer, Aleksandar; Kufrin, Krešimir; Glavašević, Bojan; Odak, Iva; Gregurović, Margareta; Detelić, Martina (2009) Combating Corruption in Croatia: From Expert Perceptions to Policy-Oriented Action Strategies and Back. // Revija za sociologiju. 40[39] (2009) , 1-2; 3-22

Odak, I. (2003). Moda u društvu: suvremena sociologijska tumačenja. Revija za sociologiju, Vol. 34, No. 1-2: 96-107.


Teaching activity

  • 2020 → Lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb (courses: 'Sociology of Education' and 'Art, society and education')
  • 2017 –  2018 External associate, Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (course: Education and Society)
  • 2011 –  2013 Teaching assistant, Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (course: Introduction to Analytical Sociology)