Dunja Potočnik
Senior research associate
- Researcher’s unique code: 264020
- Job title: Head of the Centre for Youth and Gender Studies
- Field of interest: youth, employment, social inclusion, digitalization
Qualifications, scientific advancement and education
Defended PhD, with the theme Intergenerational mobility in Croatia (1984-2004): Comparison of the socialist and transitional period
Comenius study visit Schools in Enterprises, Enterprises in Schools – How to bring them closer? Czech Republic: Zlin
Academy for Political Development, Croatian branch of the Council of Europe project Schools of Political in Zagreb
Summer school in political sciences Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighborhood. Italy: Cervia
Training for the Project Citizen for secondary school teachers
Diploma of Peace Studies, Zagreb
Graduated sociology from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb with a theme Transition in Croatia as Corporative Action
Research projects
HR Kids Online, through the membership in the EU Kids Online consortium.
Vet Participation, Retention, and Educational Policies in The Wake Of Covid 19 – A Crosscountry Exploration (VETPREP), Horizon Europe programme
Quality of life of young people in Croatia: between personal aspirations and social opportunities – YoQuLife, ISRZ Research Programme – Ministry of Science, Education and Youth via NextGenerationEU Fund
Research on graduate student employability, coordinated by the Agency for Science and Higher Education
YO-VID22: Youth wellbeing and support structures before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation
Be-Safe: Raising awareness about gender-based cybEr violence and advocating for SAFEr online environment for women and girls (financed by the European Commission: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme)
ITEO – STEM Popularisation in Međimurje region
COVID-19 impact on young people and the youth sector, coordinated by the Council of Europe
Young People’s Opinion on the Impact of the Covid-19, coordinated by the Central State Office for Demography and Youth
Analytical basis for the National Programme for Youth, coordinated by the Central State Office for Demography and Youth
Review of the CM Recommendation on the Young People’s Access to Rights, coordinated by the Council of Europe
Fullfilling conditions for efficient implementation of the national minority policies – Phase I, in coordination of the National Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities
Roma Inclusion: Meeting the prerequisites for effective implementation of policies aimed at national minorities – PHASE I (in coordination of the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities)
Equal Rights – Equal Pay – Equal Pensions: Expanding the scope of implementation of gender equality actions and legal standards towards achieving gender equality in combating poverty in Croatia (financed by the European Commission: Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme)
HR Kids Online, in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences and Edward Bernays High School
Shell research on youth in Croatia, financed by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Analysis of the national youth employment policies on the Horizon 2020 Except project
Member of the expert group on youth unemployment at the Impact Hub Zagreb, project financed by the Robert Bosch Stiftung
Youth Wiki, financed by the European Commission
Analysis of the first results of the implementation of the 2014–2020 Operational Programmes supported by the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and related YEI and ESF youth employment actions in the Member States in 2015 and 2016, in coordination of the Public Policy and Management Institute from Lithuania, financed by the European Commission
EU Kids Online, in coordination of the London School of Economics
Profile of the Educational Sector, coordinated by the Ministry of Labour and Pension System
Multiple discrimination in Europe, coordinated by the European Youth Forum
International review of youth policy in Serbia, under supervision of the Council of Europe
IPA project Skills forecasting – reverting negative trends in skills and jobs matching, coordinated by the Croatian Employment Service
Platform for Roma Inclusion in Međimurje County, managed by the UNDP Croatia
Schools 2.0: Impact of Introduction of New Technologies in Primary Schools in Croatia, coordinated by the Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet)
Young women and gender equality in post-Yugoslav societies, financed by the “UNESCO Participatory program for 2012 and 2013”
Impact of Youth Information, managed by the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA)
establishing of the conceptual basis for the Croatian Youth Act, financed by the Croatian Ministry of Social Politics and Youth
Potentials and perspectives of initial education for advisors in professional guidance in the Republic of Croatia, financed by the Croatian Agency for mobility and EU programmes
analysis of the situation of Roma population in the Republic in Croatia in the field of education and employment, coordinated by the UNDP Croatia
research on the inclination towards pseudoscience among the students of the summmer science schools in Croatia
Shell research on youth in Croatia, financed by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
SPRINT IPA cross-border Slovenia-Croatia project – analysis of the innovative potential of three Croatian counties
the Edgeryders project, managed by the Council of Europe
research Success through Excellence – Analysis of absorbtion capacity of the non-governmental organisations for disabled people for attracting the EU funds, in cooperation with DIM – Association for Civic Education and Social Development
coordinator of a Croatian team on the EU KidsOnline project (coordinated by the London School of Economics and funded by the EU Safer Internet Programme)
research on Unemployed Young Highly Educated Persons in Međimurje County – (the Generation Next at Work IPA project)
survey on the Structural dialogue with the youth in the Republic of Croatia, managed by the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU programmes
Annual surveys on sociodemographic structure of participants of the summer science camps in Croatia
Youth and Unemployment in a cooperation with Youth Partnership of the Council of Europe
PHARE project Youth and Peace Building in cooperation with The Centre for Peace Studies, The Croatian Youth Network and Documenta
Research of the Social Entrepreneurship of the Youth in cooperation with the Croatian Youth Network and Centre for Peace Studies
Educational and Employment Careers of Croatian youth, in cooperation with UNDP Croatia
My Rights through Education and Work, in cooperation with Association for Civic Education and Social Development
WEB MOB Project – Development of Researchers Mobility Policy Guidelines for the Region of Western Balkans, INCO FP-7 project
Croatian Students in the European Context – the Coming Social Elite at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Status and Perspectives of the PhD Candidates in EURODOC (the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers)
Social Status, Problems and Needs of the Youth in the Zagreb County, Institute for Social Research
Youth and European Integration Processes at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
member of Croatian UNDP Youth Development Report team
member of Croatian team for European Training Foundation Report Developing Common Approaches in Vocational Education and Training for Disadvantaged Young People in the Western Balkan Countries
Selected bibliography
Adamović, M., Gvozdanović, A.; Potočnik, D. Socioekonomski i rodni aspekti rizičnih ponašanja mladih u Hrvatskoj. Sociologija i prostor, 61(1): 3-33, doi: 10.5673/sip.61.1.1
Potočnik, D.: Elements of Formal Support for Youth Workers in Croatia. Sociology and Space, 61(3): 541-563. doi: https://doi.org/10.5673/sip.61.3.5
Adamović, M.; Potočnik, D.: I'm worried about the future and I'm thinking about leaving: Comparison of migration aspirations of young people from of Croatia and Southeast Europe. Sociology and Space, 60 (2022) 224 (2): 403-430.
Potočnik, D.: Transitions of Young Women from Education to Employment in Croatia: Social Reproduction at Work, in: Vogel, M. A.; Arnell, L. (Eds.): Living like a Girl: Agency, Social Vulnerability and Welfare Measures in Europe and Beyond. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 123-147.
Potočnik, D.; Maslić Seršić, D.; Karajić, N. Inclusion of Roma in Croatian Society: Education and Employment. Zagreb: Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities.
Moxon, D.; Pašić, L.; Potočnik. D.; Serban, A.; Stefan, V. (Eds.): Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation. Council of Europe.
Gvozdanović, A.; Ilišin, V.; Adamović, M.; Potočnik, D.; Baketa, N.; Kovačić, M.: Youth study Croatia 2018/2019. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Gvozdanović, A.; Ilišin, V.; Potočnik, D. Contradictory tendencies in the political culture of Croatian youth: unexpected anomalies or an expected answer to the social crisis? Journal of Youth Studies 21(1): 57-71.
Nico, M.; Taru, M.; Potočnik, D.; Salikau, A. (Eds.): Needles in Haystacks Finding a way forward for cross-sectoral youth policy. Council of Europe.
Potočnik, Dunja: Youth family circumstances, in: Ilišin, V.; Spajić Vrkaš, V. (Eds.): Generation of Disillusioned. Youth in Croatia at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, 31-73.
Potočnik, Dunja: Narrow opportunities of the youth in Croatia: a (self)limiting perspective, in: Jakovina, Tvrtko (Ed.): Twenty five years of Croatian Independence: What to do next? Zagreb: Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo, 349-393.
Potočnik, Dunja; Spajić Vrkaš, Vedrana: Youth in Croatia: Labour market participation and spatial mobility, in: Ilišin, V.; Spajić Vrkaš, V. (Eds.): Generation of Disillusioned. Youth in Croatia at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, 143-184.
Spajić Vrkaš, Vedrana; Potočnik, Dunja: Youth and education facing global competition, in: Ilišin, V.; Spajić Vrkaš, V. (Eds.): Generation of Disillusioned. Youth in Croatia at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, 75-141.
Ilišin, V., Gvozdanović, A.; Potočnik, D. ( Eds.): Democratic Potential of the Youth in Croatia. Zagreb: Centre for Democracy Miko Tripalo and Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.
Potočnik, D.: Professional aspirations and the world of work from the view of Croatian students, in: Ilišin, V. (Ed.): Sociological Portrait of Croatian Students. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research, 133-172.
Potočnik, D.: Social status of Croatian Students, in: Ilišin, V. (Ed.): Sociological Portrait of Croatian Students. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research, 57-96.
Potočnik, D.: Students in the networked society, in: Ilišin, V. (Ed.): Sociological Portrait of Croatian Students. Zagreb: Institute for Social Research, 377-398.
Adamović, M.; Galić, B.; Gvozdanović, A.; Maskalan, A.; Potočnik, D.; Somun Krupalija, L. (Eds.): Young Women in Post-Yugoslav Societies: Research, Practice and Policy. Zagreb, Sarajevo : Institute for Social Research in Zagreb; Human Rights Centre, University of Sarajevo.
Ilišin, V.; Bouillet, D.; Gvozdanović, A.; Potočnik, D. Mladi u vremenu krize: Hrvatska 2012. Zagreb: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Potočnik, D.: Intergenerational educational mobility in the transitional period in Croatia: 20 years later, u: Naterer, A. and Fištravec, A. (eds): SUBKULTURE: Prispevki za kritiko in analizo družbenih gibanj – Identiteta, etničnost, nacionalnost. Subkulturni azil: Maribor, 91-108.
Ilišin, V.; Potočnik, D.: Sociological Portrait of Contemporary Croatian Youth. Journal Annales, Series historia et sociologia 20(1): 41-57.
Vinković, D.; Potočnik, D.: Educational asymmetries in the making: Science Fair Competitions as Proxies of the Economic Development. Sociologija i prostor 48(1): 51-75.
Gvozdanović, A.; Potočnik, D.: Mladi i izgradnja mira. Analiza aktivnosti izgradnje mira u udrugama mladih i za mlade. Zagreb: Centar za mirovne studije i Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Bouillet, D.; Ilišin, V.; Potočnik, D.: Continuity and Changes in Croatian University Students’ Leisure Time Activities (1999-2004). Sociologija i prostor 2: 123-143.
Ilišin, V.; Potočnik, D.: Profesionalne i životne aspiracije studenata Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. Sociologija i prostor 3-4: 285-310.
Potočnik, D.: Izbor studija: motivacijska struktura upisa i očekivani uspjeh u pronalasku željenog posla. Sociologija i prostor 3-4: 265-284.
Potočnik, D.: Human Rights as a Card to Democratic Europe, in: Ilišin, V. (ed): Croatian Youth and the European Integration. Zagreb, Institute for Social Research, 149-185.
Potočnik, D.: Integracija mladih u tržište rada, u: Ilišin, V.; Radin, F. (ur) Mladi: problem ili resurs? Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Potočnik, D.: Mladi i nove tehnologije, u: Ilišin, V.; Radin, F. (ur): Mladi: problem ili resurs? Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja.
Potočnik, D.: Socio-Economic Basis for Religious Socialization and Youth Issues in Croatia, in: Michael R. Ott (ed) The Future of Religion: Toward a Reconciled Society. Boston (MA): Brill, 365-383.
Potočnik, D.: Obrazovni resursi i zapošljivost mladih, u: Ilišin, V. (ur): Mladi između želja i mogućnosti: Položaj, problemi i potrebe mladih Zagrebačke županije. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagrebačka županija, 93-141.
Potočnik, D.: Posjedovanje i korištenje informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije, u: Ilišin, V. (ur) Mladi između želja i mogućnosti: Položaj, problemi i potrebe mladih Zagrebačke županije. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Zagrebačka županija, 141-165.
Potočnik, D.: Ljudska prava kao ulaznica u demokratsku Europu, u: Ilišin, V. (ur): Mladi Hrvatske i europska integracija. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja, 141-172.
Ilišin, V.; Mendeš, I.; Potočnik, D.: Politike prema mladima u obrazovanju i zapošljavanju. Politička misao XL(40)3: 58-89.
Teaching activity
- 2022 - 2023 Development of the Youth Research MOOC programme, coordinated by the Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
- 2021 - lecturer in the Youth in Contemporary Society, university study at the University of Rijeka in Croatia.
- 2018 - 2019 lecturer in the Youth in Contemporary Society, university study at the University of Rijeka in Croatia.
Memberships and functions
2024 - 2026 member of the Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation at the European Commission.
2021 - 2025 Head of the Committee for evaluation of programmes and projects in the field of prevention of unacceptable behavior of children and youth, at the Zagreb City Council.
2021 - 2025 member of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society), European Commission
2021 - 2023 member of the Expert Committee for the National Programme for Youth at the Central State Office for Demography and Youth
2021 - 2025 member of the Pool of the European Youth Researchers Advisory Board at the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the Field of Youth
2020 - 2024 Member of the Managing Board of the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
2020 - 2021 Croatian member of the Standing Working Group on Human Resources and Mobility at the European Research Area and Innovation Committee
2020 - 2021 member of the Advisory Board on the Brain Circulation at the Ministry of Science and Education
2020 member of the Advisory Board on the Science popularisation at the Ministry of Science and Education
2019 - 2020 member of the National Committee for Development of the Graduate Career Tracking System at the Ministry of Science and Education
2019 member of the Social Inclusion and Digitalisation Steering Group, at the Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the Field of Youth
2019 member of the Advisory Board on the Science popularisation at the Ministry of Science and Education
2018 - 2019 member of the Governing Board of the European Researchers’ Night in Croatia
2018 - 2019 member of the Expert Committee for development of the system for monitoring educational and employment trajectories at the Ministry of Science and Education
2018 - 2019 member of the Expert Committee for the National Programme of Action for Youth 2018-2024 in the field of employment and entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Demography, family, youth and social policy
2015 member of the Expert Committee for the Strategy for Lifelong Career Guidance at the Ministry of Labour and Pension System
2013 - 2014 member of the Committee for drafting the Croatian Youth Act, at the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth
2013 - 2014 member of the Expert Committee in Employment and Entrepreneurship for the National Programme of Action for Youth 2014-2017, at the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth
2012 - 2013 member of the National Forum for Lifelong Professional Orientation in the Republic of Croatia
2010 - 2019 member of the Steering Commitee of the Science and Society Synergy Institute
2010 - 2020 member of the expert group for the youth research (the Pool of European Youth Researchers – PEYR) at the Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe
2009 - 2013 member of the Croatian Committee for Mobility of the Researchers at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2008 - 2012 member of the Advisory group for People Programme in the 7th European Framework Programme for RTD
2006 - 2008 EURODOC (The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers) Secretary
2006 - 2007 member of the Committee for the revision of the National Law on the Students at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2006 - 2007 member of the Organisational Committee for the Second Congress of Croatian Scientists from Homeland and Abroad at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2006 - 2007 Board member of the Young Scientists Network – Croatian association of doctoral candidates and postdocs
2006 secretary of the Organisational Committee for the Year of Nikola Tesla at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2005 - 2006 founder and the first President of the Young Scientists’ Network (MLAZ) – Croatian association of doctoral candidates and postdocs.
2023 - 2025 member of the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme) evaluation panel at the European Commission
2022 - 2028 member of the Ethics Committee at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
2019 - member of the Youth Voice Journal Editorial Board
2016 - 2020 member of the Horizon2020 evaluation panels for the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships
2014 member of the Erasmus evaluation panel at the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU programmes
2013 - 2014 member of the FP7 evaluation panel in socio-economic sciences and humanities
2013 - 2017 member of the Expert Committee for the National Programme of Action for Youth in the field of employment and entrepreneurship, at the Croatian Ministry of the Family, Veterans' Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity
2013 - 2028 member of the Editorial Board of the edition Science and Society at the Institute for Social Research
2013 - 2028 member of the Editorial Board of the Special Editions at the Institute for Social Research
2009 – member of the Academy for Political Development – Croatian branch of the European Council's Schools of Political Studies programme
2008 - 2009 member of the Programme Committee of the Sociological Congress Social Changes and Social Structure: Croatia 20 Years later
2008 organizer of the EURODOC’s session at the ESOF2008 Working in science or politics – or both: Young scientists' success stories
2007 - 2009 Science Policy Editor of the web portal Connect::Portal
2007 - 2008 member of the Expert Committee for the National Programme of Action for Youth at the Croatian Ministry of the Family, Veterans' Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity
2007 – member of the Organisation Science.org (Znanost.org)
2006 - 2007 EURODOC’s (The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers) representative in ISE (Initiative for Science in Europe)
2006 – member of EUROSCIENCE
2004 - 2006 Croatian delegate in WAYS (World Academy of Young Scientists).