
Anja Gvozdanović

Senior research associate

  • Researcher’s unique code: 298663
  • Job title: Senior research associate
  • Field of interest: youth's political culture, social capital, civic participation/engagement of youth, trust, peacebuilding

Qualifications, scientific advancement and education


Senior research associate in social sciences, field of sociology


Research associate in social sciences, field of sociology


PhD in Sociology; Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb


MA in Sociology; Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Zagreb

Research projects

2023 - 2026

Raising awareness about gender-based cybEr violence and advocating for SAFEr online environment for women and girls

2023 - 2024

Youth Study in South-Eastern Europe 2023-24: Youth Study in Croatia

2023 - 2024

MOJ DOM. Refugees, migration and erased memories in the aftermath of Yugoslav wars

2022 - 2025

YO-VID22: Youth wellbeing and support structures before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

2018 – 2023

Formal Education in Service of Sustainable Development (forOR), scientific research project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (project number: 2031)

2017 – 2019

Youth Studies Southeast Europe 2018 – Croatia

2016 – 2020

Divided Past – Joint Future, IPA project, cluster Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2004-2015


Research part of the project: GOOD Initiative – Towards Civic Education in Schools, The Open Society Foundations – researcher in two national surveys


Institutional evaluation of Ombudsperson for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia

2013 – 2014

Participation Programme of UNESCO: Young Women and Gender Equality in Post-Yugoslav Societies: Research, Practice and Policy


Shell youth research in Croatia, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Zagreb


Absorbtion capacity of the NGOs for use of EU funds, in cooperation with Association for Civic Education and Social Development

2008 – 2009

PHARE project Youth and Peace Building in cooperation with Centre for Peace Studies

2008 – 2009

Research of the Social Entrepreneurship of the Youth in cooperation with the Croatian Youth Network and Centre for Peace Studies

2007 – 2013

Croatian Students in the European Context: the Coming Social Elite



Full bibliography